Rabbit Symbolism – What Does It Mean When You See A Rabbit?

Rabbits are often seen as symbols of luck, fertility, and abundance. In many cultures, rabbits are also associated with springtime and new beginnings. But what does it mean when you see a rabbit? Let’s take a look at the symbolism of this furry creature.

What does a Rabbit Symbolize?

Rabbits are often seen as symbols of longevity and prosperity in Buddhist mythology, folktales, and art. They also represent rebirth, renewal, and fertility due to their prolific breeding rates and ability to reproduce throughout the year.

Rabbits have been a popular symbol in many cultures for centuries. In China, the rabbit is associated with longevity and rebirth due to its seemingly never-ending supply of offspring. In European cultures, the rabbit is seen as a symbol of fertility, luck, and abundance.

It has also historically been seen as an emblem of humility and innocence, as well as a sign of vulnerability. In Christianity, the rabbit is also seen to symbolize purity and innocence.

The animal’s ability to reproduce quickly has made it a powerful symbol of fertility and renewal in many cultures. Even today, rabbits are often given as Easter gifts or used in decorations around the holiday.

Despite being associated with negative connotations in some cultures, the rabbit’s long-standing symbolism of fertility and renewal often outweighs any negative associations. As a result, rabbits continue to be a popular symbol throughout the world.

What Does It Mean When You See a Rabbit?

In many cultures, a rabbit sighting can be seen as an omen of good luck. In some places, the appearance of a white rabbit is thought to be especially auspicious and can indicate that something positive is about to happen. Additionally, rabbits have long been associated with fertility and renewal due to their penchant for having multiple litters throughout the year. In this context, seeing a rabbit can be a sign that an upcoming project or endeavor will have plenty of growth potential and success.

rabbit eating

In other parts of the world, though, rabbits may have more negative associations. Some people believe that seeing a rabbit can signify danger or ill fortune, particularly if it is black in color. In some traditions, rabbits are seen as messengers of death or omens of bad luck and misfortune.

Regardless of its symbolic meaning, a rabbit sighting is always special. Rabbits have been inspiring us with their intelligence and resilience for centuries, so it’s no wonder they’re often seen as symbols of good fortune.

What Does the Rabbit Spirit Animal Mean?

The rabbit spirit animal symbolizes fertility and abundance, and it is often associated with the season of Spring. It is also a representation of swiftness, agility, and intuition.

brown rabbit

In some cultures, the Rabbit is seen as a teacher or guide who can help us in times of change or transition. This guide helps us to create our own destiny through the power of our thoughts and feelings.

A Rabbit can also represent creativity, as its artistry in creating tunnels and other hideaways show us that through creativity, we can find new solutions to old problems. Additionally, the rabbit spirit animal encourages us to stay alert and aware of our surroundings by using all of our senses.

Rabbit facts

  • Rabbits are social animals and live in groups called colonies or warrens.
  • The average lifespan of a wild rabbit is about three to five years.
  • Wild rabbits primarily eat grass, hay, flowers, twigs, bark, and other plant material as well as small insects like ants and beetles.
  • The average gestation period for a female rabbit is around 30 days (one month).
  • A baby rabbit is referred to as “a kit” or “kitten”.
  • Rabbits are crepuscular, which means they are active at dusk and dawn when predators such as foxes and coyotes tend to be less active during the daytime heat or darkness of night-time hours.
  • Most rabbits can breed from the age of 4 months onwards though their fertility starts decreasing after two years of age if left unspayed/unneutered.
  • Rabbit fur comes in various colors, including white, black, brown, and gray, with tan markings known as agouti-colored fur.
  • Depending on the context, a group of rabbits is often referred to as a herd or nest.

What Do Rabbits Symbolize in Arts and Literature?

Rabbits in arts and literature often symbolize innocence, fertility, swiftness, and abundance.

This symbolism can be traced back to ancient cultures where rabbits were associated with springtime, new life, and fecundity.

rabbit with book

In Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, the White Rabbit is an iconic character who guides Alice’s journey of self-discovery. His alacrity and haste illustrate the volatility of the surreal world Alice finds herself in, as well as symbolize her need for movement and exploration.

Similarly, Peter Rabbit from Beatrix Potter’s stories is a playful but mischievous character who often finds himself in dangerous situations due to his curiosity. He serves to represent a free spirit who, despite his missteps and troubles, is able to find joy and contentment in life.

The symbolism of rabbits has also been used in contemporary literature and art as symbols of fertility, innocence, abundance, curiosity, changeability, and the potential for growth.

In the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, the character of Neville Longbottom is represented by a rabbit as a symbol of his innocence and potential for growth.

The ever-changing White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland also serves to illustrate the volatility of life and how quickly things can change.

Ultimately, rabbits are seen in literature and art as symbols of fertility, abundance, agility, and exploration.

Rabbit Power Animal

The Rabbit power animal is associated with the energy of sensitivity, intuition, and psychic awareness. Rabbits are considered both lucky and powerful in many cultures around the world.

In Native American traditions, rabbits represent swiftness and agility – being able to adapt to change quickly is a key characteristic for those seeking guidance from the Rabbit totem.

Rabbit Totem Animal

The Rabbit is an animal totem that symbolizes creativity, intuition, and abundance.

The Rabbit also teaches us to be alert and pay attention to our surroundings, as they have highly developed senses of hearing, smell, and sight.

They are very sensitive to the environment around them and can warn us when danger is near.

Rabbits are also associated with luck and can be a sign of good fortune coming your way.

The Rabbit, as a totem animal encourages us to have faith, hope, and courage in the face of adversity.

They remind us that although life may seem chaotic at times, everything will work out for the best in the end.

what does it mean when you see a rabbit

Rabbit Dream Meanings

Rabbit dream meanings can differ depending on the context of the dream. In general, however, rabbits are often seen as symbols of fertility, abundance, and luck.

They can also represent flexibility and adaptability in challenging situations. Dreaming of a white rabbit could be interpreted to mean that something good is about to happen in your life or that you will enjoy a period of good luck.

sleeping woman dreaming about rabbit

A black rabbit could symbolize a difficult challenge ahead or the need to make an important decision. Dreaming of multiple rabbits may indicate that you are surrounded by abundance and opportunity, but it can also suggest you are feeling overwhelmed by too many options.

It is important to consider the other symbols in your dream, such as the environment, other animals, and people present. This will help you get a better understanding of the message that your dream is trying to convey.

  • Dreaming of a baby rabbit may represent tenderness and innocence, as well as new beginnings and renewal.
  • A dead or wounded rabbit can suggest fear of failure or the risk of not achieving something that is important to you.
  • A dream involving a rabbit running away could indicate that you are avoiding something or trying to run away from your responsibilities. It may also be an indication of feeling powerless in a certain situation and being unable to take control.

Rabbit Meaning in Tarot

In tarot, the Rabbit symbolizes fertility, abundance, and intuition. It is seen as a sign of luck and good fortune. This animal may also represent promptness, creativity, and insightfulness.

rabbit tarot card

In Tarot readings, the Rabbit can be interpreted in many ways depending on its context within other cards or symbols.

When the Rabbit appears alongside other positive cards in a Tarot Spread, it can indicate that the querent will receive an unexpected blessing or gain an advantage.

The Rabbit’s association with fertility and abundance implies that these rewards could be financial, spiritual, or material in nature.

Conversely, suppose the card appears alongside negative cards such as The Tower or Death. In that case, this may signify an obstacle to be overcome to reap the benefits of the Rabbit’s influence. Additionally, the Rabbit may suggest that a new opportunity will soon present itself and that it should be taken advantage of promptly.

Rabbit Meaning in the Bible And Christianity

Rabbits have been associated with the Christian faith and its teachings since ancient times. In Christianity, rabbits represent humility, purity, peace, innocence, and kindness. Rabbits are also a symbol of renewal and fertility in the Bible.

The rabbit is often used to illustrate how Jesus Christ was born as a humble living being who shared his purity and peace with the world. It is also an important example of how Jesus was willing to sacrifice himself for the good of all mankind.

biblical rabbit painting

Rabbits are also a reminder that people should not take themselves too seriously and remain humble even in times of great success or achievement.

In addition, rabbits remind us that we should always strive to keep our hearts and minds pure, no matter how difficult the situation may be.

In the Bible, rabbits are described as a symbol of deliverance from evil and are often seen in biblical paintings with doves or other birds of peace. The rabbit also symbolizes hope and renewal because it can reproduce quickly after hardship or danger.

Rabbit Mythology, Folklore, and Symbolism in Different Cultures

Ancient Egypt

Rabbit mythology, folklore, and symbolism were highly valued in Ancient Egypt. The rabbit was seen as a symbol of fertility and abundance due to its ability to reproduce quickly and its place within the ecosystem.

Ancient Egypt style rabbit

It was believed that the rabbit could bring positive energy into an area or family. This belief likely contributed to the popularity of rabbit-shaped figurines, which were often given as gifts.

The rabbit was also widely associated with the gods Hathor and Horus. The Egyptians believed that rabbits could be messengers of the gods, delivering messages from beyond into our world.

This notion is further reflected in Ancient Egyptian artwork, where rabbits can accompany several deities.


In Mesopotamia, rabbits have long been seen as a symbol of luck and fertility. This is likely due to their ability to reproduce quickly and in large numbers.

Mesopotamian style rabbit

According to Babylonian mythology, the goddess Ishtar sent a rabbit to deliver an olive branch from paradise to earth as a sign of peace and harmony. Rabbits were also believed to be associated with the moon, representing cycles of life and death.

In folk tales from Mesopotamia, rabbits often appear as tricksters or mischievous characters who use their wit to outsmart humans. In one story, a rabbit was able to steal honey from an old woman’s house without her knowing by using his paws to climb up a chimney.

In another tale, a rabbit tricked a farmer into giving him a piece of bread by pretending not to understand the language spoken by the farmer.

Rabbits have also been seen as protectors in Mesopotamian lore. It was believed that if someone placed a rabbit’s foot in their pocket, they would be safe from harm. In some cultures, rabbits were seen as messengers of the gods and were thought to have spiritual powers.


In ancient Babylonia, there were many myths and folklore that featured rabbits as prominent characters. Rabbits were seen as symbols of fertility and abundance in Babylonian culture.

They were often associated with the moon god Sin, who was believed to give humans good luck and bring prosperity. The Sumerians also had a myth about a giant rabbit, who was said to bring good luck and abundance to those who encountered it.

In astrology, rabbits were seen as symbols of protection and spiritual guidance. Rabbits were also thought to be a symbol of luck in business dealings and financial matters. As such, they were often used in charms and amulets for good fortune.

Rabbit fur was also believed to have protective powers, and it was sometimes used in charms or spells. In addition, rabbits were seen as symbols of joy and playfulness. They were often associated with the goddess Ishtar, who was the goddess of love and fertility.


Rabbits were highly valued in Assyrian culture, and they had a range of symbolic meanings. They were seen as symbols of fertility, abundance, protection, and good luck. Rabbits were also associated with the gods Ashurnasirpal II and Tishpak, who were known for their wisdom and compassion.

Assyrian style rabbit

Rabbit fur was believed to have protective powers and was often used in charms or spells. In some cultures, rabbits were seen as messengers of the gods and were thought to have spiritual powers.

They were also associated with rebirth and renewal, as they can reproduce quickly after hardship or danger. As such, they were often viewed as a sign of hope in times of difficulty.


In Africa, rabbits have long been seen as symbols of fertility, love and abundance. In some African cultures, they are even seen as a symbol of rebirth and transformation.

African style rabbit

In Ethiopia, a rabbit is believed to be able to bring luck and prosperity to families by providing an abundance of food and other resources.

It is also thought that rabbits can bring good health and protection from harm. In other African cultures, rabbits are seen as symbols of fertility and renewal, with some believing that a rabbit can bring a new baby into the world.

They also symbolize good luck and fortune and are often used as part of rituals to ensure success in life. Rabbits are also associated with speed and agility, and it is believed that their ability to dodge danger swiftly can bring protection and good fortune.

Finally, rabbits are thought to have keen senses and the ability to predict future events, making them important figures in folklore and mythology. Rabbits have long been seen as symbols of luck and protection, fertility and abundance.

Greek and Roman

In Greek and Roman cultures, rabbits have a long history associated with various myths and symbols. In ancient Greek mythology, the rabbit was often seen as a symbol of fertility, due to its prolific reproduction rate. Rabbits were believed to be gifted to mortals by Apollo or Artemis, the gods who presided over fertility and childbirth.

This association of rabbits with fertility was further reinforced when a rabbit was seen as the messenger of Adonis, the Greek god of beauty and desire.

In Roman mythology, rabbits were often associated with the goddess Diana, who was known to be connected to childbirth and motherhood.

Additionally, they were sometimes seen as symbols of luck and good fortune. The Romans also believed that rabbits were able to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits, making them popular as talismans.

In general, rabbits have long been held as symbols of fertility and luck in both Greek and Roman cultures.


In Celtic mythology, the rabbit is often associated with fertility and abundance. In some tales, rabbits are seen as a symbol of fertility because of their ability to produce multiple offspring. In other stories, they represent wealth or abundance due to their seemingly limitless numbers in the wild.

Celtic style rabbit

The Celts also believed that rabbits were a good luck charm and that they could bring good fortune and success. In some myths, a rabbit’s white fur was said to protect against evil spirits and bad luck.

The Celts also associated rabbits with protection, as it was believed that a rabbit crossing your path indicated that the gods were protecting you.


Rabbit mythology, folklore, and symbolism are deeply embedded in Norse culture. Rabbits have long been seen as symbols of fertility and abundance, a belief that stems from their ability to reproduce quickly.

In Norse mythology, rabbits were associated with Freya, the goddess of love and fertility. She was often depicted riding her chariot pulled by rabbits or accompanied by rabbit companions.

Rabbits were also believed to have magical powers and could be used as a protective charm or talisman against evil spirits. In some regions, it was thought that rabbits were responsible for bringing good luck.

Native American

Rabbits are often seen as a symbol of fertility and abundance in Native American cultures. The rabbit’s swiftness, agility, and ability to reproduce quickly have been associated with the cycle of life and death for many generations.

Native American style rabbit

Rabbit mythology is also closely tied to creation stories in many tribes. In some cases, rabbits were believed to have helped create the Earth by constructing landforms, forests, or other components of nature. In others, rabbits are seen as a messenger between humans and spirits.

In many tribes, rabbits also act as spirit animal. These animals were often used in ceremonies to ask for blessings from the spirit world and protectors of life.


Rabbits play an important role in Incan mythology and folklore. The Incas believed the rabbit was a powerful symbol of fertility, luck, and abundance.

Incan style rabbit

The fluffiness of the rabbit’s coat and its ability to reproduce quickly were seen as symbols of fertility, while its swiftness represented power and agility.

In some stories, rabbits are said to be the messenger between humans and gods. In some Incan tales, they are seen as wise advisors or healers. They may also represent a form of spiritual protection, with their presence warding off evil spirits.


Rabbit mythology and symbolism have a prominent place in Mayan culture. The rabbit symbolizes fertility, good luck, abundance, cunning, and deception. In some ancient myths, the Rabbit God is a trickster who uses his cleverness to escape difficult situations or get what he wants from others.

Maya style rabbit

The rabbit is also the symbol of the moon and is sometimes worshiped as a lunar deity. In some Mayan stories, the rabbit transforms into a human in order to interact with people.


The rabbit has a deep significance in Aztec culture, appearing prominently in their mythology, folklore, and symbolism.

In Aztec creation stories, rabbits were seen as messengers between the gods and humans. They were believed to have supernatural powers and bring messages of blessing from the gods.

The presence of rabbits was also seen as a sign of luck and good fortune. In Aztec mythology, the god of fertility was often depicted as a rabbit, symbolizing how important fertility and childbirth were to their culture.

Aztec style rabbit

In Aztec folklore, rabbits were seen as wise creatures that could communicate with humans in secret ways. They also had strong connections to moon goddesses such as Coyolxauhqui, who was often represented as a rabbit.

In addition, rabbits were associated with night and darkness because of their nocturnal nature. As such, they were seen as symbols of protection from evil influences, especially at night.


Rabbit symbolism plays an important role in Australian culture. The rabbit is a prominent feature of Aboriginal Dreamtime stories, which are often used to impart life lessons or explain natural phenomena.

In some cases, rabbits represent tricksters who teach humans how to outwit difficult situations.

The rabbit’s cunning and skill have also been used to explain the relationship between predator and prey, as rabbits are one of the few animals that humans have domesticated and utilized for their own gain.

In some Aboriginal stories, rabbits even act as mediators between humans and other wild creatures, negotiating peace on behalf of both species.


Japanese mythology is full of stories and symbolism associated with the rabbit. In Japan, rabbits are seen as a symbol of luck, fertility, longevity, peace, and protection.

The rabbit is also often portrayed in Japanese art as a messenger between Heaven and Earth.

japanese boy with rabbit

One popular myth in Japan is the legend of Kintaro or “Golden Boy”. This tale tells of a boy raised by a mountain ogress and eventually befriended by a pack of rabbits.

The legend states that Kintaro was so strong he could lift up an entire mountain with one hand!


Rabbit mythology, folklore, and symbolism are deeply entrenched in Chinese culture. The rabbit has a long-standing relationship with the moon, which is said to be the home of the Jade Rabbit, who pounds herbs for an elixir of immortality.

In one version of this story, there were ten suns in the sky that caused great heat and destruction on Earth. When the Jade Emperor was told about this, he ordered an archer to shoot down nine of the suns.

The archer used a magical bow and arrow given to him by the goddess Chang’e, who had been living on the moon with her pet rabbit. As he tried to shoot down all of the suns, Chang’e intervened and sent her pet rabbit to the moon, where it pounded on herbs with a mortar and pestle.

This action managed to distract the archer enough for him to miss his target and thus save Earth from destruction.


In Hindu mythology, rabbits are associated with transformation and have powerful symbolic meanings. The most common story is that of the god Shiva, who sent two white rabbits to the Earth to test human beings’ faith in him.

Hinduism style rabbit

If a person offered food or water to the rabbits when they were hungry or thirsty, then it showed that they had enough faith in Shiva to believe that he would provide for them. In another story, the god Vishnu used a rabbit to distract a demon and saved the world from destruction.

Rabbits were also considered symbols of fertility in Hinduism. They represented abundance and prosperity as they are able to reproduce quickly and have litters of numerous babies.


Rabbits are deeply rooted in both Buddhism and mythology. In Buddhist mythology, rabbits represent rebirth and innocence, while in folklore, they often symbolize fertility and abundance.

buddha with rabbits

In Buddhist lore, the rabbit is associated with the Moon Goddess Chang E, who was exiled to the moon for stealing an elixir of life from her husband Hou Yi. An old hare lives with Chang E on the moon, and it is said that if a person looks up at the full moon, they will see an image of the hare pounding rice cakes.

This story is often used to explain why rabbits have become symbols of rebirth in Buddhism.


What does it mean when you see a white rabbit?

In many cultures, white rabbits symbolize purity, innocence, and luck. They can also represent rebirth, fertility, abundance, and protection.

What does it mean when a rabbit crosses your path?

In some cultures, it is believed that when a rabbit crosses your path, it may be a sign of good luck or an omen of prosperity. It can also mean the person should take caution and pay attention to the opportunities in front of them.

What does it mean when you see a bunny at night?

Seeing a bunny at night is often interpreted as a sign of good luck and fertility. It can also be seen as an omen that the person is going to have a prosperous future. In some cultures, it is believed that seeing a rabbit in the night may foretell of great wealth or success.

Final Words – Rabbit Symbolism 

From Hinduism to Buddhism, rabbits have a long history of being associated with transformation and powerful symbolism.

From the moon goddess Chang’e saving Earth from destruction by sending her pet rabbit to pound herbs in a mortar and pestle to Shiva’s white rabbits testing human faith, these stories are filled with meaning that carries on even today. Rabbits represent purity, innocence, luck, fertility, and abundance – all qualities we can strive for in our own lives.

Whether it is seeing one cross your path or looking up at the full moon hoping for good fortune, there is something special about these little creatures that captivate us still.

Photo of author

Christina Johnson

About the Author

My name is Christina, and I am the founder of centerspirited. Being a physiotherapist for several years I have found that many people, including myself, don’t achieve well-being only from a physical point of view. I’ve always viewed a person’s body, soul, and emotions as a whole construct of beauty. Always being a yoga enthusiast, I finally became an instructor myself. On a secret mission to capture spirituality in all of her beautiful shapes, I found myself being guided on a way through ayurvedic nutrition and lifestyle. Through this platform, I will hopefully be able to help other beautiful souls out there find their inner peace and bond with their spiritual selves.